

      151. In compliance with your request, we are now offering you 2000 dozen magnifiers at $36 per dozen CIF San Francisco, September shipment. 按贵方要求,我们报2000打放大镜,每打旧金山到岸价36美元,9月发货。

  152. You will note that we are in position to offer you 50 long tons of tin toil sheets at the attractive price of $135 per long ton C&F Shanghai. 你们可以发现我们向你们所报50英吨锡箔纸的价格是非常诱人的,每英吨为上海到岸价135美金。

  153. We offer you 1500 tons of Canada Oats at the price of $400 per ton. 现提供1500吨加拿大燕麦,每吨价格400usd

  154. We can quote you a price of $75 a typewriter and a 10% discount on shipping. 我方可以给贵方75美元一台打字机的一个报价,运输方面可以给贵方打10%的折扣。

  155. Our average wholesale price is $180 per unit. 我们的批发价平均是每套180usd

  156. We offer you firm 2000 tons of chemical fertilizer at $150 per long ton CIF Vietnam for delivery in April. 我方向贵方报出2000吨化肥实盘CIF越南价,每英吨150usd,4月发货。

  157. We can offer a quantity discount of up to 15%, but we are prepared to give 20% discount for an offer to buy the complete stock. 大批订购可以获8.5折优惠,整批购入则可享受8折优惠。

  158. I have here our price sheet on an FAS vessel basis. The prices are given without engagement. 这是我们以船上交货为基础的价格单,所报价格没有约束力。

  159. As prices are steadily rising, we would advise you to place your order without delay. 价格正稳步上升,建议贵方迅速订货。

  160. Our product is in great demand and the supply is limited, so we would recommend that you accept this offer as soon as possible. 我方产品市场需求量很大,供货有限,建议贵方宜从速接受访报价为好。







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