

It's a long way from the flashlights and the glitter of Leicester Square premiere, but this is the kind of place where you could just find real movie gold.

Authentic sets, such as Stanley Docks in Liverpool, offer the atmosphere that computer generated scenery alone, for all its ingenuity, simply can't match.

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"Are we in trouble?"

正在上映的大片Sherlock Holmes, 由两大帅哥Robert Downey Jr.和Jude Law主演,全都在英国本地取景。

It's been a good year for matching home-grown British stories with genuine locations.
"All the really big stuff is kind of English. So it's quite nice we could encourage our industry to promote, and get involved with this type of endeavor, creative endeavor."

So to a place like Liverpool, what difference does it make?
"we actually most filmed city in the country outside of London, so we're doing the right things, one film, Deathly Hallows, Harry Potter , 500,000 pounds spent locally with 200 people in 2 hotels, spending money in restaurants and bars..
"All for one scene? "
"All for one small five minutes ...“

Liverpool was the obvious choice for Nowhere Boy, a film that depicts John Lennon's childhood, and according to one of its stars, the nation should exploit the resources within our own shores "I always have this theory that we just are shamed of making films for ourselves. America, France, Ireland----very happy to make films for their own audience. But for some reason, we are very nervous about it... has to appeal to the American market, has...and I think that could be very limiting."

It's not just Liverpool, of course, that's benefited from the kind of boom the movies can create. A whole rash of films coming out in the new year has got the tourist industry UK-wide smacking its lips at the prospect of the kind of movie magic coming to a place frighteningly near you.

"It is glorious, isn't it?"

视频最后的片段是2010年新片The Wolfman(狼人),此故事曾被拍过多个版本,这次换了安东尼·霍普金斯、本尼西奥·德·托罗出任狼人父子,无疑为这一新版《狼人》的表演提供了质量保证,远赴英国取景也为这新版还原了故事中18世纪英国的田园风情,不变的是影片依旧跟众多旧版一样充满宿命色彩:狼人与女主角对于爱情被破坏心有不甘,但为了保护心上人狼人只能远走,月圆之夜的变身和狼人的孤独将一一在银幕上重现。

smack lips: 显示出兴奋和满意。例如:Planners began smacking their lips at the thought of all that farmland to build on.

