

@贺小米要养龙猫 2017-01-26 08:00
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A familiar face is returning to Sleepy Hollow.

John Noble will reprise his role as the deceitful Henry Parrish, the son of Tom Mison's Ichabod Crane, for the show's fourth season, Fox announced Sunday.
Fox电视台周日宣布,John Noble在《断头谷》中扮演的Henry Parrish将会重回《断头谷》第四季。

Noble appeared in the supernatural drama's first and second seasons. His character was first introduced as the Sin Eater Henry Parrish but was later revealed to be Ichabod's son with his wife Katrina, a witch.
Noble第一次出现在这部超自然力量主题美剧的时候是第二季,当时他的角色是Sin Eater Henry Parrish,但是之后发现他是Ichabod和巫师妻子Katrina的儿子。

The news was first revealed during the show's panel at New York Comic Con on Sunday, when Noble appeared in a trailer for the upcoming season, set to debut in 2017. It will be the first season without original star Nicole Beharie, whose character Abbie Mills died in the Season 3 finale.
这个消息是剧组在周日的纽约动漫展上宣布的,而在当天公布的宣传片中,他也出现在里面。这也是Nicole Beharie离开本剧的第一季,这个角色在第三季季终集领盒饭了。