

TVGuide 2016-06-01 10:00
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 Quinn-Carrie 'shippers can breathe a sigh of relief: Rupert Friend is returning to Homeland as a series regular in Season 6.
希望奎恩卡莉在一起的《国土安全》粉们可以松一口气了,奎恩的扮演者Rupert Friend将继续以常规演员的身份出演第六季。

With Quinn's fate left up in the air at the end of last season, Friend and showrunner Alex Gansa confirmed that the character will be back -- although he may not be the same Quinn we know and love. Added Gansa: "How Peter Quinn's character is gonna be dramatized this year is going to surprise people, and it may not be what you think."
第五季的季终奎恩生死未卜。近日,创作人Alex Gansa以及奎恩的扮演者在一则访问中证实了奎恩这个角色将回归的消息---“尽管此奎恩可能非之前那个我们熟知且喜爱的奎恩。新的一季奎恩的人设变化将会非常戏剧化,定会让你意想不到。”

“And Quinn won't be the only character who's returning somewhat unexpectedly. More characters will be back.”Homelandis expected to return to Showtime in the fall.
