
这些图告诉你:为什么60年过去了 这依然堪称全球最梦幻婚礼

JAMES WILKINSON 2016-04-19 11:10
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On Monday it will have been exactly six decades since Grace Kelly, the darling of Hollywood, married Monaco's Prince Rainier III - and yet the event remains etched in the minds of millions.

Even the royal weddings of Prince Charles to Lady Diana, and Prince William to Kate Middleton haven't dislodged the fairytale moment from history.

And these magical pictures, kept by the Rainier family in Monaco's palace, show exactly why that is.

Vows: Grace Kelly (far left) and Prince Rainier III of Monaco are married before Monaco's Bishop, Gilles Barthe, on April 19, 1956 at Monaco's Saint Nicholas Cathedral.

Princess: Philadelphia-born Kelly wore a white dress that took 36 seamstresses three weeks to make, and used 300 yards of antique Belgian lace and 150 yards of silk, taffeta and tulle. It was provided by MGM Studios, and created by an Oscar-winning costumer.

Spectacle: There were two ceremonies - a civil one on April 18 and this Catholic ceremony the following day. This event was watched by an estimated 30 million people on television, and was dubbed 'The Wedding of the Century' at the time.

Happy couple: Prince Rainier was so nervous during the televised ceremony that Kelly had to help him slip the ring onto her finger. But he made up for his nerves after the event by cutting their wedding cake with his ceremonial sword.

Preparation: Monaco's Royal Palace was completely renovated prior to the wedding, including paintings of the princess (left). Kelly (right) was known prior to the wedding as one of America's top female film stars.

Happy day: The prince was 'exhausted' by all the planning, but the effort was worth it, as the public ceremony lived on in the memories of millions right to this very day.

Build-up: The whole event was planned in just three months, but executed flawlessly.

In-law: Kelly is seen here dancing with Prince Pierre de Polignac. Soon after this photo was taken, he would become her father-in-law.
姻亲:在这张照片里,凯丽被拍到与Pierre de Polignac亲王跳舞。在拍摄了这张照片之后不久,他就变成了她的公公。

The big day: Kelly's arrival at the Cathedral was accompanied by all the pomp.

Royal family: Kelly retired from acting after being married, and raised three children with Rainier.
