
跟我是歌手学英文:王晰Autumn Leaves

滚滚 2016-03-21 13:22
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王晰 《Autumn Leaves》 

王晰作为第二个踢馆选手,在第一次踢馆就夺得了第一的惊人成绩!这次返场再次参演,将再发挥迷人“低音炮”演唱经典英文歌《Autumn Leaves》。最终虽然抱憾出局,但现场演唱功力令人印象深刻。


关于Jo Stafford

Jo Elizabeth Stafford (November 12, 1917 – July 16, 2008) was an American traditional pop music singer and occasional actress, whose career spanned five decades from the late 1930s to the early 1980s.

Admired for the purity of her voice, she originally underwent classical training to become an opera singer before following a career in popular music, and by 1955 had achieved more worldwide record sales than any other female artist.

Her 1952 song "You Belong to Me" topped the charts in the United States and United Kingdom, the record becoming the first by a female artist to reach number one on the U.K. Singles Chart.


"Autumn Leaves" is a much-recorded popular song. 

Originally it was a 1945 French song, "Les feuilles mortes", with music by Hungarian-French composer Joseph Kosma and lyrics by poet Jacques Prévert.
这原本是一首在1945年发布的法国香颂《Les feuilles mortes》,匈牙利-法国作曲家 Joseph Kosma作曲,由诗人Jacques Prévert 作的词

 The Hungarian title is "Hulló levelek" (Falling Leaves). 
这首歌匈牙利版本叫作"《Hulló levelek》 (凋零的叶子)。

 Yves Montand (with Irène Joachim) introduced "Les feuilles mortes" in the film Les Portes de la nuit (1946). 
1946年影片《夜之门》中,法国影星Yves Montand(和伊夫·蒙坦一起)演唱了这首歌。

