
跟我是歌手学英文 Still Loving You


信 《Still Loving You》 

本周的激烈竞争使得本讲求策略尚有保留的信也按耐不住,即便第二天就要登台也毅然决然冒险换歌,果断抛弃为其倾注了一周心血的《燕尾蝶》,改唱15年前因其被发掘的作品《still loving you》,以此表达自己对摇滚不变的赤子心,信表示:“改歌要承受的风险很大,来参加比赛的就是要这个刺激,通常都是你准备了一个礼拜的歌,到现场才发现,你带刀来的时候人家带火箭炮来,但这就是好玩的地方,你永远不知道对方准备了什么。”



The Scorpions have been through many member changes but the glue to the band is the man who formed them in 1965 is Rudolf Schenker.

The band from Hannover,Germany has many classic hits.

They are ranked #46 all-time on VH1′s Hard Rock list and have sold over 100 Million albums.

注:VH1(Video Hits One)和MTV,Billboard以及RollingStone一起认为是为最重要的音乐产业组织。

The music video was filmed in Dallas, TX at the Reunion Arena and released in July of 1984.


“Still Loving You” is a song about love and pain and hoping for another chance.
《Still Loving You》是一首关于爱与痛,并渴望再来一次的歌曲。

Rudolf stated in an interview, “I came up with the composition’s melody and everything. It took about six years of trying to get the song somehow on the album. Matthias Jabs came in with the guitar part, and the feeling was immediately right, so Klaus (Meine) noticed it was right. Therefore, he wanted to write something very special.

He told me about how one day he went out into the fields in the snow, and it was then that he came up with the lyrics. He came back home and threw them down, and here we are.

It’s a story about a love affair where they recognized it may be over, but let’s try again. It’s the old story; always the old story. I mean, what can we use? We can’t reinvent the wheel. What we always do, is say something which has already been said many times, in our own way.”
