说到Rose Melberg, 不得不说说Twee Pop. 把Twee Pop比作泡泡糖独立摇滚乐最适合不过--它的音乐有着D.I.Y的精神,但又蔑视朋克乐的传统惯例.它有着一种自摇滚乐诞生起就未曾听到过的直率天真的特质。Twee pop的Top Artist有诸如Belle & Sebastian, Cannanes? Softies, Tiger Trap等等,而Melberg最初是Tiger Trap的vocal和guitar,接着担任Softies的主唱,后来还跑去Gaze打鼓。98年Melberg发行了自己的专辑Portola,时阁6年,又推出了这张Cast Away the Clouds. Melberg也许并不算Twee Pop最好的演绎者,事实上,从这张专辑里她身上最后的indie痕迹渐渐移除,Melberg开始成长为真正成熟的Vocalist。Cast Away the Clouds是如此的乾净,无拘束,稀疏的钢琴漂浮在吉他中,Melberg天使般甜美的嗓音让你感觉仿佛她就坐在你身边,和你一同在云端漂向天堂。
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Truly madly
Don't you know I hardly
sleep anymore again it's after the fall
I go sadly crazy nightly
thinking of how to do when you left
but the best I can do is dreaming of you
if only sleep would come
and I could hold
you're near until you
disapear in the morning light
at least you're mine for the night
there's no other underneath my cover
but thoughts of you keep me warm a whole night through
and even if there real is no place where dreams come true
my heart is still with you
but it's through start dust
I imagine us
if only sleep would find me
I could hold
you're near until you disappear when
each new day takes you away
I hope
you're near until you disappear when
each new day comes to take you away
each new day
comes to take you away