

Ideo 2009-05-30 13:21
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Passage 5

I have yet to witness one example just one of compliance on the part of those people who have the power to move those little thermostat buttons. Don't they know about the fuel shortage?

The subways are too hot. Heat pours out of the vents. People stand bumper to bumper breathing hotly down each other's necks with their heavy winter coats on-and sweating. The subways could probably be heated by body heat alone. Why is it still August down there?

Department stores are too hot. The customers are wearing those same heavy winter coats.Even if you take your coat off,it's still too hot,and then you've got to lug your coat around as well as all the holiday packages.

My apartment is too hot. Even with the radiators turned off steam pours out of every nook and cranny. It's a bit ludicrous that I go running around turning off lights to save electricity while I'm wearing shorts and my windows are wide open.

Museums are too hot. Movies are too hot. Buses are too hot. This morning the Fifth Avenue bus was so hot that everybody was opening the windows. And it was raining out. Better wet than hot.

And now I sit sweating in my office. The heat is on,and so is the airconditioning,but even that doesn't help.

I think ordinary people are willing to make sacrifices. All the ordinary people I know are cutting down on electricity and gas. I am sure the ordinary people would be willing to conserve sweat,too.

But the ordinary people,unfortunately,don't have power over the thermostat.

63. In this passage,the author _____ .
A.is calling for the saving of energy
B.is talking about the earth's greenhouse effect
C.is complaining about the crowdedness of public places
D.expresses dissatisfaction with urban life

64. The author lists so many places in order to make clear the idea that _____ .
A.some public places are too hot to work in
B.energy used for heating can be saved in some places
C.life in big cities is rather unpleasant
D.public places should be better airconditioned

65. By saying that"... ordinary people would be willing to conserve sweat,too"(the third sentence in paragraph 7),the author really means that ordinary people _____ .
A.would agree to turn off power where possible
B.prefer winter to summer
C.don't like hot places
D.are willing to give up a comfortable life

66. The tone of the passage is one of _____ .








