Receiving more than one job offer at the same time is an exciting prospect when you're job hunting. However, this scenario can also be challenging and stressful for candidates. What to do? Which one should you take? How can you be sure you're making the best decision?
First of all stay calm and realize that this is a good thing. You have a choice to make and you'll be able to compare and contrast the jobs to determine which is the best fit.
Get the Facts About Each Job
Ideally, you will want to learn all there is to know about each opportunity so that you can conduct a comparative analysis with full information. You will also want to be careful not to turn off any of the employers or lead them to believe that you don't place a high value on their offer.
Handled carefully, this is an opportunity to accept an offer for the job that's best for you at this point in your career. Whether you're looking for more money, a flexible schedule or a different set of responsibilities you can compare and contrast offers to help with your decision-making.
The following strategies will help you to make the best of this challenging and exciting situation.
1.Express enthusiasm without saying “yes.”
Any time you receive an attractive offer, express your high level of excitement and appreciation for the offer. Clarify when the employer needs to know your decision. Resist the impulse to accept on the spot if you have other attractive options to consider.
Example of what to say:示例回答"Thank you. I am so excited to receive your offer! I believe this position is an excellent fit for me at this point in my career. When do you need to know my official decision? I will give this my utmost attention and get back to you by Wednesday."“非常感谢。获得这份工作着实让我十分激动!我确信自己能够胜任这份工作。请问具体的答复时间是何时?我会十分重视,星期三之前会给答复。”
2. Get all the information.
2. 掌握所有信息。
If you receive multiple offers within the same deadline period for acceptance, your task will simply be to decide which option is preferable. Make sure you have all the information necessary about both options to make a rational choice. If not, reach out to the employer and seek clarification about any lingering uncertainties regarding benefits, advancement, working conditions, job content, supervision or any other questions you may have.
3. Develop a decision matrix. Create a decision matrix to weigh each job option.
3. 制定一个决策矩阵。创建一个决策矩阵来衡量每一个工作。
List the 7-10 factors that you most value in a job, such as salary, benefits, stress level, learning potential, advancement opportunity, flexibility, work/life balance, etc.
Then assign a weight on a scale of 1 - 10 reflecting the importance of each factor to you.
Finally, assign a value from 1 - 10 indicating how much of that factor each job gives you.
Example:比如:If you assign a level of importance of 7 for advancement and a particular job provides a potential fulfillment of 6 for that factor, then you have a total weight 42 for advancement.如果你给个人发展要素赋予了7的评分,然后有一份工作能够给你带来6分的潜力激发,那么在个人发展要素上,你将会得出一个42分的比重。
Do the same for all your decision factors and compare the totals for the jobs in contention. Use this information in conjunction with your gut or intuitive feeling to make an informed choice. Remember that your gut can sometimes be the best indicator of whether you should or shouldn't take a job.
4. Negotiate the decision time frame.
A more challenging scenario is when you have an offer from one employer, and you believe that another equally or more attractive offer might be forthcoming from another organization. In these cases, if you aren't comfortable accepting the firm offer, you should attempt to bring the time windows for decision-making together. One way to line up the time frames is to create a reasonable delay with the first employer who has made the offer. For example, you might ask for the opportunity to meet with staff at your level if you weren't able to do so through the screening process
However, be careful how you frame a request for extra time so that you don't create doubt about your degree of interest.
Example of what to say:示例回答:"I am very interested in this job and from everything that I have heard my background is an excellent match. I am a careful person and would feel most comfortable if I could speak with colleagues in similar roles (or shadow them for a day) prior to finalizing my acceptance."“我对这份工作十分感兴趣,据我所知,我的背景很合适这份工作。我是一个十分谨慎的人,如果我能在做最终决定前与同级的同事聊一聊(或者跟随他们一天了解一下),那再好不过了。”
5. Mention the other offer.
5. 告知收到另一份邀请。
Another approach is to level with the employer who has made the offer and mention that you have another offer pending. There is some risk with this approach but if handled delicately, most employers will only view a candidate more favorably if they are in high demand.
Example of what to say:示例回答:"I am so excited that you have offered me the opportunity to work with your firm. I believe that I can make a very strong contribution in this role and would enjoy the work immensely. I do have another firm that has been courting me, and I believe an offer may be pending shortly. Though I am strongly inclined towards your position, I would be most comfortable if I could make a comparative choice. Is there any chance that you could give me until next Wednesday to finalize my acceptance?”“能够收到贵公司的工作邀请,我十分激动。我相信自己能胜任这份工作,并且怀着满腔的热情去对待。但我确实还得到了另一家公司的青睐,并会邀请我去工作。虽然我十分看好你们提供的工作职位,不过如果我能够在对比之下再做出决定将更好不过了。贵公司是否能给我一个机会到下周三之前再做最终的决定?”
Be prepared to respond if they deny your request. You can say that you appreciate the consideration and will get back to them by the agreed upon response date.
6. Try to get a second offer.
Another way to bring the time window together is to approach the employer that hasn't issued an offer yet. In this case, you might ask if they are in a position to expedite the process since you have received another offer. Again you would need to word your request carefully.
Example of what to say:示例回答:“I have received another offer and they need to know my decision by Monday. I would prefer to work for your firm but don't want to pass up this other job and be left with nothing. Is there any chance that you might arrive at a decision about my candidacy before Monday?"“我已经收到一份工作邀请了,他们周一就需要我的回复。我更亲睐你们公司,但是我又不想因为这份工作而错过别的工作,最后竹篮打水一场空。所以贵公司可以在周一前告知我筛选结果嘛?”
If you employ this approach, then you should be ready to respond if they say no. In this case, you might say that you will attempt to get an extension on the other offer.