regulation on post-quake restoration and reconstruction
n. 规章,规则;管理
- Inspect the regulator. Check the regulator for evidence of damage or contamination.
检查调整器。检查调整器是否有损伤或污染的迹象。 - The design conforms with the regulations.
这项设计符合规定。 - That regulation is not applicable to this case.
n. 邮政;邮件;柱,桩,杆;岗位
v. 邮寄;张贴;宣告,发表;布置
- There was a big post/a lot of post this morning.
今早邮件很多。 - Sign posts direct travellers.
路标给游人指路。 - You would have posted scam!
v. 发抖;震动
n. 颤抖;地震;震动
- These houses stayed up in the quake.
这些房子在地震中没有倒塌。 - Her shoulders quaked.
她的双肩瑟瑟发抖。 - I felt her quake.