the Foolish Old Man [the main character of a legend, who removed the mountains]
- Some people think that the foolish old man was an idiot. as a matter of fact he was not.
有些人认为愚公是一个蠢材,其实不然。 - "Long , long ago , there was an old man whose name was Yu Gong . "
adj. 愚蠢的;荒谬的
- There are more foolish Buyers than foolish sellers
愚蠢的买主多鱼愚蠢的卖主 - They were foolish and arrogant, crazy.
这些人是愚蠢的,自大的、疯狂的。 - Penny wise and pound foolish
adj. 年老的;陈旧的;古老的;以前的;原来的
n. 古时
- The Old Mandarin
老官吏 - You old misery!
你这个爱抱怨的老家伙! - It is an old aphorism.
n. 男人,人类,人;男雇员,男仆;丈夫;(男)情人;老兄,伙计
- One man is no man
个人是渺小的 - A hungry man is an angry man
饿汉常发怒 - a man of this make