good hour
- A man is never so on trial as in the moment of excessive good fortune. ——Lewis Wallace
adj. 好的;令人满意的;愉快的;仁慈的
n. 好处;利益;有道德的人或事
adv. 好
- A good appetite is a good sauce
饥不择食 - The prompt goods have good qualities.
当场付款的物品质量不错。 - Be not simply good; be good for something.
不要单纯做个好人,还要做个能派上用场的人。 - Have a good mind
很想… - Good gracious, no!
n. 小时;长时间;时刻;重要时刻;某个时间;整点;(工作办公的)固定时间
- by the hour together
连续几小时|不断地 - They enjoyed marching around the room hour after hour.
他们喜欢绕着房间一小时又一小时地行进。 - We did an hour of gym.
我们做了一小时的体操。 - The orders were given on the hour.
整点发布命令。 - Corn the beef for twelve hours.