early or late
in succession
one after another
- A policeman and then a paramedic tried to resuscitate her.
一名警察和一位护理人员先后试图救活她。 - In order of precedence
按先后次序 - All (names are arranged) in random order.
排名不分先后 - Things should be taken up in order of priority.
办事应有个先后次序。 - Events in chronological order,ie according to times,dates,etc
按时间先后排列的事件 - He wrote the words in alphabetical order.
他按字母的先后把单词写下。 - They addressed the Conference briefly or at length.
他们先后在会上作了或短或长的发言。 - In the gymnastic contest, the two teams kept abreast with each other.
在这次体操比赛中,两队并驾齐驱,不分先后。 - He was abreast of the other runners.
他与其他赛跑者不分先后。 - 5 consecutive lots or batches have been considered acceptable on original inspection.
adj. 早期的;早熟的
adv. 在初期;提早
- Early sow, early mow.
早动手,早收获。 - Early ripe, early rotten.
早熟早烂(早慧早衰)。 - Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy.
adj. 迟的;晚期的;最近的;已故的;前任的
adv. 迟,晚;接近末期;不久前
- You are jolly late.
你来得很迟。 - And then, in the late afternoon the sky will clear,
然后,下午晚些时候天空变晴, - Never too late to repent
n. 在先,居前;优先,重点;优先事项
- Road building is a top priority.
筑路是最优先考虑的事。 - Maintaining stability is of top priority.
稳定压倒一切。 - It was a matter of balancing priorities.