Clerk Typist & Secretary
n. 职员;书记员;店员
v. 当店员
- He is a clerk of that department store.
他是那家百货商店的店员。 - She is a bank clerk.
她是银行职员。 - His kid sister clerks in a store
n. 打字员
- The publishing firm was advertising for a typist.
这家出版公司正在登广告招聘一名打字员。 - The typist received an admonition from the supervisor for being careless.
那个打字员因粗心大意受到管理人的训诫 - Check the manuscript over carefully before passing it to the typist
n. 秘书,干事,大臣,部长,助理
- The position of secretary is void.
秘书的职位现在空缺。 - I have got a secretarial qualification.
担任秘书的资格证明。 - He was the then secretary of Defense.