Personnel Clerk
- Personnel clerk
n. (总称)人员,员工;人事部门
- We have the qualified fireman personnel.
我们有合格的司炉人员。 - Tens of thousands of professional personnel
数以千万计的专门人才。 - Many personnel managers started as secretaries or personnel assistants and worked their way up.
很多人事经理最初是从秘书或人事助理做起,然后慢慢升上去的。 - For further particulars apply to our personnel.
详情向我们的人事课洽询。 - May I talk to the personnel supervisor?
n. 职员;书记员;店员
v. 当店员
- He is a clerk of that department store.
他是那家百货商店的店员。 - She is a bank clerk.
她是银行职员。 - His kid sister clerks in a store
他妹妹在商店当店员。 - She is the ledger clerk of our company.
她是我们公司的账务员。 - The clerk asked me to sign the docket.