the day before yesterday
- The day before yesterday I read a piece of news about "Job problem" of the Two Sessions.
前天,我看了一则关于两会就就业问题提出的主题讨论消息。 - The darkest hour is nearest dawn
黎明之前天最黑 - If today is Friday, the day before yesterday is Wednesday.
假如今天是星期五,前天就是星期三。 - They happened to pick up each other in a park the day before yesterday.
他们前天在一个公园里偶然结识。 - "If today is Friday, the day before yesterday was Wednesday."
〞假如今天是星期五,前天就是星期三。〞 - "My wife was telling me the other day that you and Su-su have had a bit of a tiff."
“前天听佩瑶说起,你和素素中间有了变化?” - Tom was strikingly different the next day--quiet, limp, calm like honey
n. 一天;白昼,白天;工作日;时代,时期
- Things go on day by day.
事情逐日进行着。 - Day by day the situation is improving.
情况在一天天地好转。 - Like this, day after day.
prep. 在…之前;优于,先于;当面
conj. 在…之前
adv. 先前,从前
- Rain before seven;fine before eleven
雨过天晴 - They corned their horses before the journey.
他们在启程前用玉米喂马。 - The army was arrayed before the commander.
n. 昨天;往昔;过去
adv. 昨天
- We went rabbiting yesterday.
昨天我们打兔子去了。 - They leveled a field yesterday.
他们昨天平整场地了。 - The badass was schooled yesterday.