face adverse conditions
- Explain the dilemma of the Greeson Medicine Corporation and suggest solutions.
解释GMC公司所面临的困境,并提出建议。 - What alternatives could the pesticide plant have pursued in its dilemma?
杀虫剂厂在面临困境旱,有哪些选择 - In-group sources attributed the predicament confronted by the high art largely to the unmatched promotion work.
圈内人士认为,高雅艺术面临困境是因为宣传工作没有跟上。 - Explain the dilemma of Mr. Lewis. How can be solve this problem legally?
n. 脸,面孔;外表,外貌;钟面;表盘
v. 面对,面向…;必须对付…
- His face was a decadent face.
他的脸是一张颓废派艺术家的脸。 - Face the music.
不得不接受惩罚、承担后果,必须承受出现的局面。 - Eventually, he came face to face with discrimination again.
adj. 不利的;有害的;相反的,逆的;敌对的
- Adversity reveals genius
疾风知劲草 - In prosperity think of adversity
居安思危 - A friend is best found in adversity
n. 情况,状态;疾病;身份;前提;条款;环境,条件;境况
v. 影响;使适应;由…决定,以…为条件;制约;护理;使健康
- This is a conditional ceasefire.
这是有条件停火。 - Is there a remedy for this condition?
有没有解决这个情况的方法? - The condition of man . . . is a condition of war of everyone against everyone