an unexpected winner; dark horse; sth. recieves little attention
- She sprang a surprise by losing the game.
她输了比赛,爆了个大冷门。 - That movie is the sleeper of the year: suddenly everyone has to see it.
那部电影爆出冷门,成了今年的最佳影片。突然间,每一个人都不得不一睹为快 - That movie was the sleeper of the year: suddenly everyone had to see it.
adj. 意外的,想不到的
- Something unexpected occurred.
发生了意料之外的事。 - The campaign suffered an unexpected reversal.
比赛意外地失败了。 - Unexpected developments,changes,results
n. 胜利者,优胜者
- He was responsible for the placing of the winners.
他负责评定选手名次。 - They hailed the winner with clapping.
众人以热烈的掌声为胜利者喝彩。 - Did anyone back the winner?
n. 黑暗,暗处,无知,模糊,暧昧
- It was getting dark.
天色渐暗。 - It was dark and eerie.
里面又漆黑又可怕。 - That was a shot in the dark.