anti-viral medications
n. 反对者;持反对论者
adj. 反对的;持反对态度的
- There was an anti-racist demo.
发生了一场反种族主义示威。 - They disseminated anti-French propaganda.
他们散布反对法国的宣传资料。 - Anti corruption situation is still austere.
adj. 病毒的,病毒引起的
- Asthmatics have an increased susceptibility to viral illnesses
气喘病人对病毒性病变的敏感性增加了。 - Asthmatics have an increased susceptibility to viral illnesses.
气喘病人对病毒性病变的敏感性增加了。 - Some viral proteins do good.
n. 药物;药物治疗
- all original medical receipts and medical reports for medical claims
所有医疗收据和报告之正本 - The effect of the medication was opposite to that intended.
这种药物的反应和预期的正相反 - a licensed medical practitioner.