

2009-02-20 23:56
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  曾经在热门美剧《迷失》(Lost)中出演让人觉得怪怪的“其他人(The Others)”伊森-罗曼(Ethan Rom)的威廉-马瑟(William Mapother)将会出演FOX电视台的美剧《越狱》(Prison Break )的最后两集。

  威廉-马瑟将扮演联邦调查局特工托德-韦奕(Todd Wheatley),而且和迈克尔(Michael)将有对手戏。

  威廉-马瑟是著名影星汤姆·克鲁斯(Tom Cruise)的表弟,但他演的一些让人不寒而栗的角色似乎更深入人心些。

  之前FOX电视台已经确定,《越狱》第四季是最后一季,剩余几集将在美国时间4月17日(周五晚)开始回归。另外关于女性版的《越狱》衍生剧《越狱:樱桃山》(Prison Break: Cherry Hill),目前仍然在商讨中。《越狱》最后六小时09年4月17日回归

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William Mapother will be joining Prison Break for the last two episodes to play the role of FBI Agent Todd Wheatley.

Wheatley is seen in Episode 4.23 as an agent who approaches “Connor” and questions him about his knowledge of the prison where his wife is being held.

Mapother is most recently known for his role of Ethan on Lost, but he has also had guest appearances on CSI: Miami, Criminal Minds, K-Ville, and Law and Order: SVU. He’s also been part of the crew for his cousin, Tom Cruise, in Mission Impossible, Born on the Fourth of July, Rain Man, and Cocktail.

