

2009-01-22 20:43
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尽管《越狱》的粉丝个个铁杆(你就说你是不是吧?),大结局还是日益逼近了。四年《越狱》将以怎样的方式落下帷幕?该剧执行制片人Zack Estrin在接受E! Online的Kristen采访时透露了该剧结束的原因,以及我们将会看到怎样的结局。Zack说:“我们早就知道这有可能是《越狱》的最后一季,所以在剧情上也正朝着结局发展。对于编剧来说,一部剧能有个结局是很重要的,那这部戏就完整了。”他同样表示《越狱》的粉丝都很死忠,全剧结束是给观众,同时也是给每个角色一个交代。“走安全路线自然是没什么好玩的。保守的剧情发展也许会让剧集延续更长时间,但十年过后你还会记得么?我不知道。可我相信《越狱》是会被人铭记在心的。它是否就是完美的?当然不是。然而它是独一无二的,富有戏剧的张力,充满了象征意义。然而最重要的是,《越狱》足以娱人耳目。说到底,这不正是一切的初衷么?”Zack说《越狱》尚有8集剩余,包括了2集的特别篇,以解答观众未了的疑问。目前最新的剧透表示迈克将在21集时选择是救莎拉还是救林肯的命。《越狱》本季完结消息确凿,4月17日回归

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Even though the fans of Prison Break are fabulous (you know you are!), the end is looming near. So what happened? Executive producer Zack Estrin tells Kristen at E!Online why the show is ending and what we can expect. “We’ve always known that this would probably be our last season,” Zack says. “And we’ve been approaching the stories as such. It was, and is, very important to the writers that this show have an ending. A completed story” He says that the fans are loyal and they owe it to the fans and to the characters to end it soon. “Safe is never terribly interesting. Safe may last a little longer, but will it be remembered ten years from now? I don’t know. But I believe Prison Break will be remembered. Has it been perfect? Of course not. But it’s been unique. It’s been provocative. It’s been iconic. And, most importantly, it’s been entertaining. And, at the end of the day, isn’t that the point of it all?” Zack says that there will be eight more episodes, including a final two-episode that will answer one final question we’re left with.
