just passable; barely satisfactory; goodish; not the best; adequate; acceptable
- The skater's technique was only adequate.
滑冰者的技术只能说是差强人意。 - Will your salary be adequate?
你的薪水还算差强人意吗? - That hotel is merely adequate.
那家旅馆只能说是差强人意 - The accommodation is rather rough and ready, I'm afraid.
依我看,这个住处还算差强人意。 - Unfortunately, courts have not done well in deciding what impacts are too speculative to require discussion
不幸的是,哪些影响由于太过臆测而毋须讨论,法院在判断这一问题上差强人意。 - Very nice, but too much of it, too easy and regular, served up without effort or wanting.
adj. 可接受的,过得去的;能通行的,能渡过的
- Her English pronunciation is passable.
她的英语发音还说得过去。 - The workmanship is not too fine, but it's passable.
这手工做得不算很精细,但还可以接受。 - Many of those roads are not passable in bad weather.
adv. 仅仅;几乎不;贫乏地;赤裸裸地;公开地
- The table was bare, the candles unlighted.
桌子上是空的,蜡烛也没点。 - The coast was barely distinguishable in the mist.
在雾中很难看清海岸。 - The act was barely justified by the circumstances.
adj. 令人满意的;符合要求的
- There has been no satisfactory resolution of the paradox.
这个怪现象并没有得到令人满意的解决。 - The efficacy of the medicine is satisfactory.
这药的药效令人满意。 - His behavior is anything but satisfactory.