flavour reversion ;off flavour ;off taste ;offflavour ;offtaste
- stale bread;stale air.
变味的面包;不新鲜的空气 - for never came almond glove or aromatic ointment on her palm to taint it.
因为她从不戴杏仁色的手套,或是往手上涂抹芳香的油脂,羊奶也就毫不变味。 - Their daily diet consisted of a lump of stale bread, a bowl of rice and stale water.
n. 味;香味;滋味;风味,情趣
v. 给…调味;给…添风味(添情趣)
- Cinnamon is an excellent flavour enhancer.
肉桂是种绝佳的提味调料。 - She flavoured the soup with spices.
她在汤里加调味品。 - A subtle charm,flavour,style
n. 回复,复原,归还,继承权
- He shifted the gear into revers.
他把排档换成倒档。 - The faithful revered him then as a prophet.
那时,信徒们尊他为先知。 - They are showing a deep reverence for their religion.
adv. 掉,下;离开;隔开;切断;停止;;休息;光,完,尽;全部地
prep. 从...离开;从...向下;在...的外面;偏离...;从...分岔;不再从事...;低于...
adj. 关着的;停止流通的;延期的;取消的;不工作的;处于...境况的;萧条的
n. 关掉
- Is the water on or off?
自来水龙头开着还是关着? - The gilt is off.
幻想破灭了。 - to nip off; to cut off; to break