(standing) very straight
straight as a ramrod
bolt upright
- fried shirt
[美俚]浆得笔挺的衬衫 - He wore a starched cap.
他戴一顶浆得笔挺的帽子。 - the body was rigidly erect; ge sat bolt upright.
身体挺直;乔治亚州笔挺地坐着。 - He was a tall upright old man.
他是一个个头高,腰笔挺的老人。 - He wore a trim suit and looked smart.
他穿着一身笔挺的西装,样子很帅。 - Paul Sherman Yale was small, spry and upright
保罗?谢尔曼?耶尔身材矮小,动作敏捷,站得笔挺。 - The low crotch of the vest revealed a stiff shirt bosom of white and pink stripes.
西装背心的低领里露出浆得笔挺的白底粉红条纹衬衫的前胸。 - The count was erect and triumphant, like the Avenging Angel!
只有伯爵笔挺地站着,面露胜利的神色,象是复仇的天使。 - He sat down on a bench, hitching up his trousers carefully, as if afraid of destroying a knife-edged crease
他坐到一条凳子上,小心地拉起裤子,好像怕把笔挺的裤缝弄坏似的。 - He was dressed carefully, his trousers creased, and a pink rose in his lapel
adj. 长期(有效)的;直立的;固定的;常设的
n. 地位,名声;持续时间;名次表;支持率
v. stand的ing形式;站立
- Stand for governor
做州长候选人 - The business is at a stand.
业务陷入停顿状态。 - a standing army
常备军,5. 固定的,不能移动的,6. 【印】(版面)排好后保留的,n.1. 站立[U]2. 站立处[C]3. 身份;地位;名望[U]4. 名次表[P]5. 持续时间[U]
adv. 非常,很;完全
adj. 正是的,恰好的,同一的;最…的;仅仅的,唯独的,甚至于
- Very, very big,or very,very many does not mean infinite.
非常非常大,非常非常多并不意味着“无穷大”。 - She was very headstrong, and very together.
她非常倔强,又非常精干。 - I had often been very fearful, very angry, and very isolated.
adj. 直的;正直的;直率的;连续的;整齐的
adv. 直接地;坦率地;立即;不断地
n. 直线
- straight or on the rock
纯的或加冰块 - make(sth)straight or level
使(某物)变直或变平 - Straight trees have crooked roots