scratch combing
v. 抓破;擦伤;搔痒;抓,扒;发出刮擦声;乱涂乱画;勉强糊口;退出比赛
n. 搔,刮;抓痕,擦痕;乱涂,乱画;刮擦声
adj. 打草稿用的;东拼西凑的;平等比赛的
- This is absolutely a scratch.
这完全就是一通乱写。 - This is a scratch of the pen.
这是大笔一挥,匆促而随便写就的。 - This is a scratch meal.
这是顿现凑成的饭菜。 - This is a scratch team.
这是支临时凑起来的球队。 - toe the scratch
n. 梳毛,梳弃的毛或发
v. [comb] 的现在分词形式;梳头发,梳理
- Combs and brushes are toilet articles.
梳子和刷子都是梳妆用具。 - On the dressing table there are three combs.
梳妆台上有三把梳子。 - For there lay the Combs - the set of combs that Della had worshipped for many months in a shopwindow.
因为,摆在眼前的是那套梳子,是好几个月以来德拉所渴望得到的,一直摆在一个商店橱窗里的那套梳子。 - In the dry-combed process, backwashing occurs after combing.
在干式精梳过程中,复洗是在精洗之后。 - She is combing her matted hair.