- Proview Technology discontinued its claim over Apple's iPad's logo.
唯冠科技放弃了对苹果iPad产品商标的所有权声明。 - Classical sociology emerges as a reaction to this form of positivist scientistic thought.
古典社会学的出现是对这种实证主义的唯科学主义思想的反应。 - The bootstrap may be entered by the computer operator or be permanently stored in read-only memory.
引导程式可以由操作员输入,亦可以永久的贮存于唯读贮记器内。 - Frank was the only student of his generation whom Dr. Zechlin chose as confidant.
弗兰克是他那一辈学生中唯一被泽齐林博士视为知己的人。 - To accept a command promptly and attentively
听命唯谨 - None But a wise man can employ leisure well
唯智者善于利用空闲 - Humans are the most valuable among all the things that heaven fosters
天生万物,唯人为贵 - "When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete,everybody will respect you."
"夫唯不争,故无尤" - There is no highroad to happiness or misfortune; every man brings them on himself
祸福无门,唯人自召 - Samuel was the only justice of the U.S. Supreme Court to be impeached
n. 主义,论,说
- The opposition to
反“游击主义”的空气,统治了整整的三个年头。 - We must always be wary of those who with sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal preach the ism of appeasement
我们必须时时刻刻提防那些敲锣打鼓宣传姑息主义的人。 - The ism report shows that the economic activity index in the US monthly non-manufacturing sector slowed down to 57.2 in June from the 60.1 in May
adj. 单独的,独自的;只有,仅
adv. 单独地,独自地
- He has a yen to be alone in a boat.
他渴望独自待在一条船上。 - But many are unwilling to act alone.
但是许多人却不愿单独行事。 - He is used to drinking alone.