fall into ruins
- Following virtue is like climbing a hill; following evil, like slipping down a precipice.
行善如登,行恶如崩。 - Too heavy a load will strain the rope to its breaking point.
负载过重会把绳子拉紧到崩断的地步。 - The dam gave way; it was not strong enough to hold the flood waters.
水坝崩塌了,它不够坚固,挡不住洪水。 - Let beggars mach with beggars
龙配龙,凤配凤,亚崩配亚聋 - - The cave is collapsing
-洞口崩下来了! - The rope severed under the strain.
绳子拉紧后崩断了。 - Regulate menstruation By eliminating stagnation of qi, warm the uterus and stop metrorrhagia
解郁调经,暖宫止崩 - Following virtue is like climbing a hill; following evil, like slipping down a precipice
行善如登,行恶如崩 - The Gods of Thunder and Lightning Shatter the whole range.
列缺霹雳,邱峦崩摧 - A mass of snow and rock broke away and fell on the climbers.
v. 倒坍;崩溃;倒下;暴跌
n. 崩溃;暴跌
- Since 1980 when the first congestion collapse is reported TCP, conge stion control scheme has been improving. By adding the fast retransmit and fast recovery the improved TCP congestion control scheme can avoid congestion collap se effectively.
自从20世纪80年代报道了第一次拥塞崩溃以来,TCP拥塞控制策略在不断地进行 完善和改进,通过快速重传和快速恢复等机制使它能很好地对网络拥塞做出及时的响应? - To cause to fall or collapse.
使倒下,使崩溃 - The price of copper collapsed.
v. 落下;倒塌;摔倒;下降;减弱;阵亡
n. 摔倒;下降;秋天;垮台;陷落;瀑布
adj. 秋天的
- Sleet is falling.
天上下起了冰雹。 - fall into disfavour
失宠失众望 - We observed the barometer fall. [The barometer was observed to fall.]
prep. 进入…中;进入…状态;持续到;输入