

2014-06-09 12:00
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Godzilla was no match for The X-Men this holiday weekend.
在本周末的票房之争中,《哥斯拉》(Godzilla)完全不是《X战警》(The X-Men)的对手。

Days of Future Past, the latest installment in the X-Men franchise, soared to the top spot at the box office this holiday weekend with $91.4 million ($111 million over the four-day weekend) in ticket sales, according to Box Office Mojo. Though it fell short of the debut of X-Men: The Last Stand ($102.8 million), it's on pace to become the highest-grossing X-Men movie ever by next weekend.
据统计,《X战警:逆转未来》(The X-Men:Days of Future Past)这部最新X战警系列影片在本周末豪取9140万美元票房(四天进账1.11亿美元),勇夺票房榜榜首。尽管与《X战警:背水一战》(X-Men: The Last Stand )的首映票房成绩(1亿零280万美元)相比稍显逊色,但如果以现在的趋势继续发展,该片到下个周末会成为总票房收入最高的X战警系列电影。

In its second week, Godzilla plunged nearly 67 percent from its debut, falling to second place with $31.1 million.

Blended, the new romantic comedy with Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore, bombed, coming in third place with an anemic $14.2 million. It barely topped Neighbors, which landed in fourth place with $13.8 million in its third week in theaters. At No. 5 was The Amazing Spider-Man 2with $7.8 million.
由亚当·桑德勒(Adam Sandler )和德鲁·巴里摩尔(Drew Barrymore)主演的浪漫喜剧《单亲度假村》(Blended)排名第三,进账1420万美元。紧随其后的是收入1380万美元的《邻居》(Neighbors),而《超凡蜘蛛侠2》(The Amazing Spider-Man 2)以780万的票房收入位列第五。

Million Dollar Arm took in $6.9 million for a sixth-place finish, while The Other Woman came in seventh with $3.6 million.
排在第六、七位的分别是《百万金臂》(Million Dollar Arm)和《情敌复仇战》(The OtherWoman ),票房成绩分别为690万美元和360万美元。

Rounding out the Top 10 were Rio 2 (No. 8, $2.4 million), Chef (No. 9, $2.2 million) andHeaven Is for Real (No. 10, $2 million).
榜单前十名的剩余席位由第八名的《里约大冒险2》(Rio 2 )、第九名的《大厨》(Chef)和第十名的《天堂真的存在》(Heaven Is for Real)占据,分别进账240万美元、220万美元和200万美元。