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第四十一条 国家鼓励学校及其他教育机构、社会组织采取措施,为公民接受终身教育创造条件。

Article 41 The State encourages schools and other institutions of education as well as social organizations to take measures to create conditions for citizens to receive life-long education.

第四十二条 受教育者享有下列权利:

Article 42 Educatees shall enjoy the following rights:


(1) to participate in various activities arranged according to educational or teaching programs and use educational or teaching facilities, equipment and books and materials;


(2) to receive scholarships, student loans or subsidies in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State;


(3) to receive a fair evaluation of his or her academic performance and moral character, and receive an education certificate or academic degree certificate, as appropriate, upon completion of the required programs;


(4) to lodge a complaint with the competent department if he or she refuses to accept punishment imposed by the school, and to lodge a complaint or bring a lawsuit, in accordance with law, against an infringement upon his or her right of the person or property or other lawful rights and interests by the school authorities or teachers; and


(5) other rights as stipulated by law or regulations.


Article 43 Educatees shall fulfil the following obligations:


(1) to observe law and regulations;



(2) to observe norms of conduct for students, respect teachers and develop sound ideology, moral character and habits of conduct;




(3) to work hard in their studies and complete the assigned tasks of study; and




(4) to adhere to the management system of the school or any other institution of education they attend.


第四十四条 教育、体育、卫生行政部门和学校及其他教育机构应当完善体育、卫生保健设施,保护学生的身心健康。


Article 44 Administrative departments of education, sports and public health, and schools or other institutions of education shall improve sports and health care facilities to ensure students good health both in body and in mind.


第四十五条 国家机关、军队、企业事业组织、社会团体及其他社会组织和个人,应当依法为儿童、少年、青年学生的身心健康成长创造良好的社会环境。


Article 45 State organs, units of the army, enterprises, institutions, public organizations, other social organizations and individuals shall, in accordance with law, create a good social environment for children, adolescents and students so that they may grow up healthy both physically and mentally.


  第四十六条 国家鼓励企业事业组织、社会团体及其他社会组织同高等学校、中等职业学校在教学、科研、技术开发和推广等方面进行多种形式的合作。


Article 46 The State encourages enterprises, institutions, public organiza-tions and other social organizations to cooperate in various forms with institutions of higher learning and secondary vocational schools in teaching, scientific research, and technological development and popularization.




Enterprises, institutions, public organizations, other social organizations and individuals may, in appropriate ways, support the development of schools and participate in their management.


  第四十七条 国家机关、军队、企业事业组织及其他社会组织应当为学校组织的学生实习、社会实践活动提供帮助和便利。


Article 47 State organs, units of the army, enterprises, institutions and other social organizations shall provide assistance and convenience for students' internships and social practices arranged by schools.


  第四十八条 学校及其他教育机构在不影响正常教育教学活动的前提下,应当积极参加当地的社会公益活动。


Article 48 Schools and other institutions of education shall take an active part in local public welfare activities, provided that this does not affect their normal educational and teaching activities.


  第四十九条 未成年人的父母或者其他监护人应当为其未成年子女或者其他被监护人受教育提供必要条件。


Article 49 Parents or other guardians of minors shall provide the necessary conditions for their minor children or other minors under their guardianship to receive education.




Parents or other guardians of minors shall coordinate with schools or other institutions of education in educating their minor children or other minors under their guardianship.




Schools and teachers may furnish parents of students with guidance for family education.


  第五十条 图书馆、博物馆、科技馆、文化馆、美术馆、体育馆( 场) 等社会公共文化体育设施,以及历史文化古迹和革命纪念馆( 地) ,应当对教师、学生实行优待,为受教育者接受教育提供便利。


Article 50 Libraries, museums, science and technology centers, cultural centers, art galleries, stadiums (gymnasiums) and other public cultural and sports facilities as well as places of historic and cultural interest and revolutionary memorial halls (sites) shall give preferential treatment to teachers and students and provide convenience for educatees to receive education.




Radio and television stations (centers) shall offer educational programs designed to help enhance the ideology and moral character and cultural, scientific and technological qualities of educatees.


  第五十一条 国家、社会建立和发展对未成年人进行校外教育的设施。


Article 51 The State and society shall establish and develop educational facilities for minors to receive after-school education.




Schools and other institutions of education shall coordinate with grassroots autonomous organizations of a mass character, enterprises, institutions and public organizations to strengthen after-school education for minors.


  第五十二条 国家鼓励社会团体、社会文化机构及其他社会组织和个人开展有益于受教育者身心健康的社会文化教育活动。


Article 52 The State encourages public organizations, social and cultural institutions, other social organizations and individuals to offer social, cultural and educational activities that are conducive to the sound development in body and mind of educatees.


  第七章 教育投入与条件保障




  第五十三条 国家建立以财政拨款为主、其他多种渠道筹措教育经费为辅的体制,逐步增加对教育的投入,保证国家举办的学校教育经费的稳定来源。


Article 53 The State practises a system wherein government appropriations constitute the main body of the educational appropriations, supplemented by funds raised from a variety of other sources, and the State gradually increases its educational input so as to ensure a stable source of educational appropriations for State-run schools.




With respect to schools and other institutions of education established and run by enterprises, institutions, public organizations, other social organizations or individuals, their operating expenses shall be raised by the respective sponsors; the people's governments at various levels may provide them with appropriate support.


  第五十四条 国家财政性教育经费支出占国民生产总值的比例应当随着国民经济的发展和财政收入的增长逐步提高。具体比例和实施步骤由国务院规定。


Article 54 The proportion of educational appropriations in gross national product allocated by the State shall gradually rise, as the national economy develops and the financial revenue increases. The specific proportion and measures for its implementation shall be prescribed by the State Council.




The proportion of educational appropriations allocated by governments at various levels shall gradually rise along with the development of the national economy.


  第五十五条 各级人民政府的教育经费支出,按照事权和财权相统一的原则,在财政预算中单独列项。


Article 55 The educational appropriations of the people's governments at various levels shall be listed separately in their fiscal budgets in accordance with the principle of their unified authority over the administrative affairs and the financial affairs.




The people's governments at various levels shall see to it that their appropriations for education shall increase at a faster rate than their regular revenues, that the average expenditure on per enrolled student shall increase steadily and that the teachers' salaries and the average public expenditure per student shall increase steadily.


  第五十六条 国务院及县级以上地方各级人民政府应当设立教育专项资金,重点扶持边远贫困地区、少数民族地区实施义务教育。


Article 56 The State Council and the people's governments at or above the county level shall set up a special fund for education to be used mainly for assisting outlying and poverty-stricken areas and areas inhabited by minority ethnic groups in enforcing compulsory education there.


  第五十七条 税务机关依法足额征收教育费附加,由教育行政部门统筹管理,主要用于实施义务教育。


Article 57 Taxation authorities shall collect in full the extra charges of education funds, all of which shall be controlled by the administrative departments of education and used mainly for the enforcement of compulsory education.




Pursuant to the relevant regulations of the State Council, the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government may decide to levy local extra charges for educational purpose, which shall be used exclusively for education.




The people's governments at the township level shall make arrangements for the collection of the extra charges of education funds incorporated in the overall planning of rural townships, which shall be administered by the administrative departments of education at the county level on behalf of the rural townships or by the people's governments of townships and shall be used for educational undertakings at the township and village levels of their respective townships. The specific proportion of the extra charges of education funds incorporated in the overall planning of rural townships and the specific measures for the administration thereof shall be prescribed by the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government.


  第五十八条 国家采取优惠措施,鼓励和扶持学校在不影响正常教育教学的前提下开展勤工俭学和社会服务,兴办校办产业。


Article 58 The State adopts preferential measures to encourage and help schools to launch work-study programs, to provide services for the community and to set up schools factories, on condition that this shall not affect the normal education and teaching.


  第五十九条 经县级人民政府批准,乡、民族乡、镇的人民政府根据自愿、量力的原则,可以在本行政区域内集资办学,用于实施义务教育学校的危房改造和修缮、新建校舍,不得挪作他用。


Article 59 With the approval of the people's governments at the county level, people's governments of townships, nationality townships or towns may, on the basis of voluntariness and according to their own capability, raise funds in their own administrative areas for education. Funds thus raised shall be used for renovation and repairs of dilapidated buildings and construction of new buildings for schools providing compulsory education; such funds shall not be diverted to any other purposes.


  第六十条 国家鼓励境内、境外社会组织和个人捐资助学。


Article 60 The State encourages social organizations and individuals both at home and abroad to donate money for education in China.
