


Regulations of the PRC on Administrative Penalties for Public Security

第一条 为加强治安管理,维护社会秩序和公共安全,保护公民的合法权益,保障社会主义现代化建设的顺利进行,制定本条例。

Article 1. These Regulations are formulated for the purpose of strengthening the administration of public security, maintaining social order and public safety, protecting the lawful rights of citizens and guaranteeing the smooth progress of the socialist modernization.

第二条 扰乱社会秩序,妨害公共安全,侵犯公民人身权利,侵犯公私财产,依照《中华人民共和国刑法》的规定构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;尚不够刑事处罚,应当给予治安管理处罚的,依照本条例处罚。

Article 2. Whoever disturbs social order, endangers public safety, infringes upon a citizen's rights of the person and encroaches upon public or private property, if such acts constitute a crime according to the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility; if such acts are not serious enough for criminal punishment but should be given administrative penalties for public security, penalties shall be given according to these Regulations.

第三条 在中华人民共和国领域内发生的违反治安管理行为,除法律有特别规定的以外,适用本条例。

Article 3. These Regulations shall apply to acts violating the administration of public security within the territory of the People's Republic of China, except when otherwise stipulated by law.


These Regulations shall also apply to acts violating the administration of public security aboard ships or airborne vehicles of the People's Republic of China.

第四条 公安机关对违反治安管理的人,坚持教育与处罚相结合的原则。

Article 4. In dealing with those who violate the administration of public security, public security organs shall adhere to the principle of combining education with punishment.

第五条 对于因民间纠纷引起的打架斗殴或者损毁他人财物等违反治安管理行为,情节轻微的,公安机关可以调解处理。  

Article 5. Acts caused by civil disputes which violate the administration of public security, such as brawling and damaging or destroying another person's property, if the adverse effects are minor, may be handled by public security organs through mediation.

第二章 处罚的种类和运用


第六条 对违反治安管理行为的处罚分为下列三种:

Article 6. Penalties for acts violating the administration of public security are divided into three types as follows:


(1) warning;


(2) fine, ranging from a minimum of one yuan to a maximum of two hundred yuan. In cases where Articles 30, 31 and 32 in these Regulations stipulate otherwise, such provisions shall be observed; or


(3) detention, ranging from a minimum of one day to a maximum of fifteen days.

 第七条 违反治安管理所得的财物和查获的违禁品,依照规定退回原主或者没收。

Article 7. Property obtained and contraband seized through acts violating the administration of public security shall be returned to the owner or confiscated according to relevant provisions.


Instruments belonging to the offender used in acts violating the administration of public security may be confiscated according to relevant provisions. Detailed measures shall be stipulated separately by the Ministry of Public Security.

第八条 违反治安管理造成的损失或者伤害,由违反治安管理的人赔偿损失或者负担医疗费用,

Article 8. When losses or injuries are caused by acts violating the administration of public security, the offender shall compensate for the loss or bear the medical expenses;


if the offender is not an able person or is a person of limited ability, unable to compensate for the loss or bear the medical expenses, his guardian shall make the compensation or bear the medical expenses according to law.

第九条 已满十四岁不满十八岁的人违反治安管理的,从轻处罚;不满十四岁的人违反治安管理的,免予处罚,但是可以予以训诫,并责令其监护人严加管教。

Article 9. Acts violating the administration of public security committed by a person between fourteen and eighteen years of age shall be given relatively light penalties; acts violating the administration of public security committed by a person under fourteen shall be exempted from penalties, but a reprimand may be given and his guardian shall be instructed to subject the offender to strict discipline.

第十条 精神病人在不能辨认或者不能控制自己行为的时候违反治安管理的,不予处罚,但是应当责令其监护人严加看管和治疗。   

Article 10. A mentally disordered person who violates the administration of public security at the time when he is unable to recognize or to control his own conduct shall not be penalized, but his guardian shall be instructed to keep a strict guard on him and subject him to medical treatment.


An intermittently insane person who violates the administration of public security while in normal mental condition shall be punished.

第十一条 又聋又哑的人或者盲人,由于生理缺陷的原因而违反治安管理的,不予处罚。

Article 11. A deaf-mute or blind person who violates the administration of public security due to his physiological defects shall not be penalized.

第十二条 醉酒的人违反治安管理的,应予处罚。

Article 12. An intoxicated person who violates the administration of public security shall be penalized.


An intoxicated person who may cause danger to himself or who threatens the safety of others due to his drunken state shall be restrained until he returns to a sober state.

第十三条 一人有两种以上违反治安管理行为的,分别裁决,合并执行。

Article 13. If a person commits two or more acts violating the administration of public security, rulings shall be made separately but executed concurrently.

第十四条 二人以上共同违反治安管理的,根据情节轻重,分别处罚。

Article 14. When acts violating the administration of public security are committed jointly by two or more persons, they shall be penalized separately according to the seriousness of each person's case.


Whoever instigates, coerces or induces others to violate the administration of public security shall be penalized according to the seriousness of the acts he instigates, coerces or induces.

第十五条 机关、团体、企业、事业单位违反治安管理的,处罚直接责任人员;单位主管人员指使的,同时处罚该主管人员。

Article 15. For acts violating the administration of public security committed by government offices, organizations, enterprises or institutions, penalties shall be given to the persons directly responsible; if the acts are committed at the order of persons in charge of units, such persons shall be penalized at the same time.

第十六条 违反治安管理有下列情形之一的,可以从轻或者免予处罚:

Article 16. Penalties for acts violating the administration of public security shall be mitigated or exempted under any of the following circumstances:


(1) the adverse effects are extremely minor;


(2) when those responsible voluntarily admit their mistakes and correct them in time;


(3) when those responsible were coerced or induced by others.

第十七条 违反治安管理有下列情形之一的,可以从重处罚:

Article 17. Heavier penalties shall be given for acts violating the administration of public security under any of the following circumstances:


(1) when acts have caused relatively serious consequences;


(2) when those responsible coerce or induce others or instigate persons under the age of eighteen to violate the administration of public security;


(3) when those responsible take revenge on the informants or witnesses;


(4) when those responsible have been repeatedly punished and refuse to amend.

第十八条 违反治安管理行为在六个月内公安机关没有发现的,不再处罚。

Article 18. Acts violating the administration of public security shall not be penalized if they have not been discovered by the public security organs within six months.


The period of time mentioned in the paragraph above shall be counted from the day the acts violating the administration of public security are committed or from the day the acts stopped if they are continuous or continuing acts.

第三章 违反治安管理行为和处罚


第十九条 有下列扰乱公共秩序行为之一,尚不够刑事处罚的,处十五日以下拘留、二百元以下罚款或者警告:

Article 19. Whoever commits one of the following acts disturbing public order, if it is not serious enough for criminal punishment, shall be detained for a maximum of fifteen days, fined a maximum of two hundred yuan or given a warning.


(1) disturbing the public order of government offices, organizations, enterprises or institutions, making it impossible for the work, productive or business operations, medical care, teaching or scientific research to go on smoothly but not having caused serious losses.


(2) disturbing the public order of stations, wharves, civil airports, markets, bazaars, parks, theatres, entertainment centers, sports grounds, exhibition halls or other public places;


(3) disturbing the public order of buses, trolleybuses, trains, ships and other public transit vehicles;


(4) gang-fighting, instigating quarrels, taking liberties with women or other indecent behavior;


(5) spreading disruptive rumours and inciting disturbances;


(6) making false reports of dangerous situations and fomenting chaos;


(7) refusing or obstructing state personnel who are carrying out their functions according to law, without resorting to violence and threat.

第二十条 有下列妨害公共安全行为之一的,处十五日以下拘留、二百元以下罚款或者警告:    

Article 20. Whoever commits one of the following acts impairing public security shall be detained for a maximum of fifteen days, fined a maximum of two hundred yuan or given a warning:


(1) carrying or keeping firearms or ammunition, or committing other acts in violation of firearms control regulations, but not serious enough for criminal punishment;


(2) making, storing, transporting or using dangerous objects, in violation of regulations concerning the control of dangerous objects such as explosives, deadly poisons, combustibles and radioactive elements, but not having caused serious consequences;


(3) illegally manufacturing, selling or carrying daggers, knives with three edges, switchblades or other types of controlled knives;


(4) running hotels, restaurants, theatres, entertainment centers, sports grounds, exhibition halls or other public places for mass gatherings in violation of safety provisions and refusing to improve after notification by the public security organs;


(5) organizing mass gatherings, exhibitions, fairs, or other public activities in the fields of culture, entertainment, or sports without appropriate safety precautions and refusing to improve after notification by the public security organs;


(6) violating safety regulations concerning ferry boats and ferries and refusing to improve after notification by the public security organs;


(7) rushing to board a ferry despite dissuasion, causing the ferry boat to be overloaded or forcing the pilot to navigate under dangerous conditions in violation of safety regulations, when circumstances are not serious enough for criminal punishment;


(8) digging holes, placing obstacles, damaging, destroying or removing markers on railways, highways, navigation routes or dams which may affect safe traffic and transportation, when circumstances are not serious enough for criminal punishment.
