



Gerald Levin


Time Warner

First Amendment


Levin would not comment on the debate last week, but there were signs that the chairman was backing off his hardline stand, at least to some extent. During the discussion of rock singing verses at last month's stockholders' meeting, Levin asserted that 'music is not the cause of society's ills' and even cited his son, a teacher in the Bronx,New York, who uses rap to communicate with students. But he talked as well about the 'balanced struggle' between creative freedom and social responsibility, and he announced that the company would launch a drive to develop standards for distribution and labeling of potentially objectionable music. The 15-member Time Warner board is generally supportive of Levin and his corporate strategy. But insiders say several of them have shown their concerns in this matter. 'Some of us have known for many, many years that the freedoms under the First Amendment are not totally unlimited,' says Luce. 'I think it is perhaps the case that some people associated with the company have only recently come to realize this.'
列文不愿对上周的辩论做任何评论,但有迹象表明,这位董事长至少在某种程度上放弃了自己强硬的立场。在上个月就摇滚乐的歌词进行讨论的股东会议上,列文宣称“音乐不是社会问题的病因”,他甚至还以自己的儿子为例,他儿子是纽约州布朗克斯的一名教师,上课时用说唱的形式与学生进行交流。但他也谈到了创作自由和社会责任之间要“保持平衡”的问题,还宣布对一些可能令人反感的音乐,公司将致力于制定一套发行和标识的标准。 一般来说,时代—华纳公司的15位董事是支持列文和他为公司制定的经营策略的。但内部人士透露其中几位对此事表示担忧。“我们中的一些人多年来一直知道,《宪法》第一修正案所规定的自由并非毫无限制”,鲁斯说,“我认为与公司有关系的一些人可能最近才意识到这一点”。
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