


Article 21. A securities company shall, in accordance with the stipulations of laws and administrative rules and regulations, underwrite to sell the securities an issuer offers for public subscription. The underwriting business is operated on a commission or sole agency basis.


Commission underwriting refers to the method whereby a securities company undertakes to sell securities on behalf of the issuer and return all unsold securities to the issuer at the end of the underwriting period.


The sole agency method of underwriting refers to the method whereby a securities company acquires all securities of the issuer in accordance with the agreement, or acquires all unsold securities after the publicoffer at the end of the underwriting period.


Article 22. An issuer who publicly issues securities has the right to select an underwriting securities company. Securities companies shall not procure the underwriting business with improper means of competition.


Article 23. The following shall be included in the underwriting or sole agency agreement signed between a securities company and a stock issuer:


(1) Names, addresses, and legal representatives of the parties;


 (2) Types, quantity, monetary amount, and issue price of the stocks underwritten on the commission and sole agency methods;


 (3) The duration, including the commencement date and deadline of the securities underwriting on the commission and sole agency methods; 


(4) The payment method and payment date for the securities underwriting on the commission and sole agency methods;


(5) The fees and settlement method for the securities underwriting on the commission and sole agency methods;


 (6) Liability for breach of contract.


 (7) Other matters specified by the securities regulatory body under the State Council.


Article 24. A securities company shall verify the authenticity, correctness, and completeness of documents of the public stock issue it underwrites. It shall not proceed with the sale if false records, misrepresentations, or major omissions are discovered in the documents. It shall immediately stop the sale and take remedial measures on stocks it has sold.


Article 25. Where the total face value of a public stock issue exceeds 50 million renminbi, the issue shall be underwritten by an underwriting syndicate, which shall include a principal underwriting securities company and other companies who participate as joint underwriters of the share issue.


Article 26. The maximum period for underwriting the stock issue on a commission or sole agency basis shall not exceed 90 days.


Within the period for underwriting the stock issue on a commission or sole agency basis, the securities company shall guarantee to first sell the stocks to subscribers. The securities company shall not reserve the stocks it underwrites to sell or make advance purchases of the stocks it solely underwrites.


Article 27. Where a securities company solely underwrites a stock issue, it shall report the stock sale to the securities supervision and administration organizations for record within 15 days after the expiry of the period of solely underwriting.


Where a securities company underwrites stocks on a commission basis, it shall report the stock sale jointly with the issuer to the securities regulatory body under the State Council for record within 15 days after the expiry of the period for underwriting the stock issue on a commission basis.


Article 28 Where a stock is issued at a premium, the issue price shall be discussed and determined between the issuer and the underwriting securities company, and report to the securities regulatory body under the State Council for approval.


Article 29 Where a domestic enterprise directly or indirectly issues stocks abroad or lists its stocks for trading abroad, the enterprise shall obtain approval from the securities regulatory body under the State Council.


Chapter III. Stock Transactions


Section I. General Rules


Article 30. Stocks traded by parties to a stock transaction shall be the stocks issued and paid for in accordance with the law.


Stocks not issued in accordance with the law shall not be traded.


Article 31. Stocks, company bonds, and other securities issued in accordance with the law shall be subject to restrictions stipulated by the law on the allotted times for transfer. They shall not be traded within the restricted allotted time periods.


Article 32. Stocks, company bonds, and other securities approved for listing and trading in accordance with the law shall be listed for trading in stock exchanges.


Article 33. The method of open and centralized price bidding shall be adopted for trading of stocks in stock exchanges.


The principle of price and time preference shall be practiced in centralized price bidding in stock trading.


Article 34. Stocks traded by parties to a stock transaction shall be in paper form or other forms specified by the securities regulatory body under the State Council.


Article 35. The spot transaction method shall be implemented in stock transactions.


Article 36. Securities companies shall not engage in stock trading activities to raise capital or stocks from clients.


Article 37 Personnel working at stock exchanges, securities companies, and securities registration and settlement institutions; personnel working at securities supervision and administration organizations; and other personnel prohibited by laws and administrative rules and regulations from participating in stock trading shall not hold stocks, trade in stocks, and receive stocks given by other people, directly under their names or under false names or other people's names during the term of their office or within the allotted time periods specified by the law.


When a person becomes one of the personnel listed in the preceding paragraph, he or she shall transfer his or her stocks in accordance with the law.


Article 38. Stock exchanges, securities companies, and securities registration and settlement institutions shall keep their client accounts confidential in accordance with the law.


Article 39. Any special organization or its personnel that have prepared an auditing report, assets appraisal report, or legal advice for the issuance of a stock are prohibited from buying or selling the stock in question while the stock is being underwritten and within six month after the period of underwriting.


In addition to provisions of the preceding paragraph, any special organization or its personnel that prepares an auditing report, assets appraisal report, or legal advice for a listed company is prohibited from buying or selling stocks of the company from the day it accepts the assignment until five days after the aforementioned document is published.


Article 40. Fees for security exchanges shall be reasonable; fees, fee standards, and fee methods shall be made public.


Fees for securities exchanges, fee standards and management procedures shall be standardized by relevant authorities under the State Council.
