
【绝望的主妇】S02E22 忘记了生日


I think it's going to be a kick having Susan and Julie stay with us. It'll be like living in a sorority. We'll stay up late and we'll gossip and make s'mores. Doesn't that sound like fun? Why are you pretending to be happy? I heard you walking around your room all night long. Crying. I don't want to talk about it. Look, I know why you're worried, but Andrew can take care of himself. And if he can't, he shouldn't have run away in the first place. You know what? Maybe Andrew leaving will be good for us. You are all I have left and I am gonna be the best mother that I can be. There's definitely room for improvement. It's just you kinda forgot my birthday. What? Yeah, it was six weeks ago. Oh my god, Danielle. I am so sorry! It's okay, you had a lot going on. I mean, Andrew was suing you and you were pretty wasted that month. Honey, you've gotta let me make it up to you. I, I am going to throw you a birthday party with all your friends, okay? That could be cool.
我觉得Susan和Julie和我们一起住一定好极了。就像开女生联谊会一样,我们很晚才睡,一起聊天讲八卦,做果塔饼干,听起来是不是很好玩? 你为什么要假装出很开心?我听到你整晚在房间里走来走去... 一直在哭。 我不想谈这件事。 我知道你在担心,但是Andrew能照顾好自己的。 如果他不能,他一开始是不会离家出走。 你知道吗? 也许Andrew的离开对我们来说是件好事。 你现在是我的唯一, 我将会成为一个最好的妈妈。 你确实还有很大的进步空间。只是...你忘记了我的生日。 什么? 是的,在六个星期前。 天哪,Danielle,对不起! 没关系,你最近经历的事情也已经够多的了。我是说,Andrew起诉了你,而你那段时间也很颓废。 亲爱的,你一定得让我去补偿你。 我给你开一个生日会,并邀请你所有的朋友,好吗? 好吧。 翻译:1st_Moment(水平有限,请多谅解,欢迎指正)