




New York Stock Exchange


This volume is many times more than that of the New York Stock Exchange. How can it be feasible to handle this load? First, we have very sophisticated computers. Second, and most important, the operational personnel responsible for processing all these transactions stay and stay until the job is done. Perhaps in 20 years - or sooner - they will be more westernized and insist on going home at five o'clock. But today, still, most insist on staying until the job is done. There is a sincere concern for quality. This willingness to help in a pinch is an important aspect of Japanese problem-solving, and you find it at every level.
这个交易额是纽约证交所的许多倍。怎样才能处理好这么巨大的数额呢? 第一,我们拥有极为先进的计算机。第二,也是最重要的,负责处理这些交易的操作人员一直工作直到任务完成。也许20年后,或许用不了这么久,他们就会更加西方化,会坚持一到5点就下班回家。但在今天,大多数人依然坚持待到工作完成。这是对质量的真正关心。 “紧要关头,鼎力相助”是日本人处理问题时的一个重要方面,存在于日本社会的各个阶层。