

@贺小米要养龙猫 2013-09-04 12:09
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HBO is giving "True Blood" the final death. After Season 6's finale's ratings were down from both the Season 6 premiere and Season 5's finale, the network decided that the previously announced Season 7 will be the show's final season.

Brian Buckner, who took over "True Blood's" reins in Season 6, will continue acting as showrunner in Season 7. He previously teased that the love story in the show will be between Sookie, Bill and Alcide in Season 7, instead of Sookie, Bill and Eric. Beyond that, little is known about the new season.
在第六季时接手《真爱如血》的制片人Brian Buckner将会继续掌舵第七季。他之前透露,Sookie、Bill和Alcide在第七季终将会有爱情故事来代替Bill、Eric和Sookie之间的三角恋。目前还没有其他第七季相关消息。

"True Blood's" seventh and final season will air in 2014.
