
英文天天写:130419 直面死亡



On Tuesday, a striking news captured our attention that three people died including an eight-year-old boy and more than 170 were injured when two bombs exploded near the finish line of Boston marathon (From BBC news). We strongly condemn those who are responsible for this explosion. Meantime, this sudden loss of life triggers our comtemplation about life and death.
Life is short. Life is precious. Please cherish it.




1 What is your attitude toward death?
What do you think is the proper attitude toward death?

2 What do you think of death?

3 How to face death?

4 Are you afraid of death? Is is a shame to be afraid of death?

5 Anything related to death you would like to share with us.


Death is a normal phenomenon that we can never avoid being faced with. Although we Chinese tend to associate it to infelicity, it cannot be denied that everyone will inevitably end his life in a grave however prominent and intelligent he is in life. Being afraid of death is justified, however, it is commonly acknowledged that in the face of death, nothing but the attitude toward it matters. Aparting from accepting the truth that we human being are not immortal, we should extend our deep grief to who have passed away then move on to the bright furture instead of immersing ourselves in great mourning. Moreover, we should do our utmost to make each day counts.


Frankly speaking, I am scared of death. And few of us can stay calm when dealing with the death. Our fear towards death, however, should not be considered as cowardice. After all,it is our inherited instinct to avoid being killed by potential dangers. When facing the death, whether we are scared or not doesn’t matter, whereas what we choose to do matters.

Seconds after the twin explosions of Boston Marathon, some people chose to flee from the danger while others chose to rush into the carnage field to help those casualties as well as queue up to donate blood. We should not judge other`s morality simply from their behaviour. However, those brave deeds deserve our praise.
