

Benedict Cumberbatch covers the new issue of the UK publication “TV Magazine”. In the magazine, he says: “Star Trek is, to all intents and purposes, an action movie as much as it is a sci-fi drama, so that involved a hell of a lot of training and long hours. I had to put weight on, so I’d eat 4,000 calories a day. I went up four suit sizes at one point – it was hard work but a lot of fun. I’d love to transform my body into some ridiculous war machine. I want to run around a desert shooting guns at aliens. I definitely want my Daniel Craig moment!”
本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇登上最新一期的英国版《TV Magazine》封面。在接受杂志采访时,他说:“《星际迷航》实际上不仅是部科幻片,也是部动作片,所以拍摄此片需要经受长时间的大量训练。我必须要增加自己的体重,所以每天我要吃4000卡路里。在这个拍摄期间我换了四个尺寸的衣服——这真的是很辛苦的工作,但是有很多乐趣。我也很乐意把我的身体变成一个荒唐的战争机器。我想在沙漠东奔西跑拿枪向外星人扫射,我当然期待自己能有(007的扮演者)丹尼尔·克雷格那样的帅气时刻!”

Cumby’s biggest concern for Star Trek? His hair! He said: “Which way to do my hair was the hardest thing really. Straight or curly, long with bangs or a ponytail… or maybe no hair. ”
康伯巴奇在《星际迷航》中最关心的是什么?他的头发!他说:“怎么弄我的头发真的是最困难的事情了。直发或者卷发,有刘海的长发或者 马尾辫……或者干脆不要头发了。”


On playing a terrorist: “One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter. I think there’s an ability to empathise with his cause, but maybe not his means to getting his ends. There’s a lot of motivation and reasoning behind what he does. He has a moral core, he just has a method which is pretty brutal and abhorrent. It was a beautiful thing to be asked to play – this sliding scale of someone who could be trustworthy and understandable and also somebody who could be out and out on a mission of revenge. That was one of the brilliant balances that were achieved in the script, that you… should be able to move between abhorring him and feeling something for him.”