
《致我们终将逝去的青春》插曲:Suede乐队《So Young》

沪江英语 2013-05-02 13:16
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赵薇导演的处女作《致我们终将逝去的青春》日前正在内地热播中,这部充满了浓浓怀旧色彩的电影,上映后引发了很多观众对于青春校园话题的回忆。影片采用了英国乐队Suede山羊皮乐队的歌曲《So Young》作为插曲,这首插曲也呼应影片的主题。

歌曲《So Young》贯穿整部电影始终,出现的高潮是在描述女二号阮莞的爱情经历上。在结婚前夕,阮莞前往北京去和初恋男友一起看Suede山羊皮乐队的演唱会,这是他们俩当年都非常喜欢的乐队。阮莞是想通过这样的方式向过去的感情告别,但却在十字路口遭遇车祸香消玉殒。《So Young》歌曲响起,阮莞用这种方式留住永不腐朽的青春,这样的结局也让观众唏嘘不已。

《So Young》歌词:

Because we're young,
because we're gone
We'll take the tide's electric mind,
oh yeah? oh yeah

We're so young and so gone,
let's chase the dragon, oh

Because we're young,
because we're gone
we'll scare the skies with tiger eyes, oh yeah? oh yeah

We're so young and so gone,
let's chase the dragon, oh
Let's chase the dragon...

...from our home high in the city where the skyline
stained the snow,
I fell for a servant who kept me on the boil

We're so young and so gone,
let's chase the dragon from our home!

This is the sentence Brett shouted at the beginning of the song:
"She can start to walk out when she wants"


