
【摩登家庭】S01E02-the key to be a great dad

本来是打算一集做一期的 但是Jay 那句永远陪在他身边戳中泪点TvT... 捏..就算是为了昨天的thanksgiving day 的特别加刊吧~ Hints: listen... uh... idea... dad-- 90% 注:注意hints里面提示的标点。全文听写。
His son's sitting on a curb, waiting to go to disneyland. And superman can't drag himself away from a craps table. And I'm the jerk. See, listen... I, uh... Sorry, but I got some bad news. What? Your dad couldn't make it. Why not? The plane was full, and this old lady needed to get home. So he gave up his seat. You're making that up, aren't you? No. He just didn't want to come. Are you kidding me? He was very upset. He was dying to see you. In fact, look what he sent. A limo? Yeah! He wanted me and your mom to take you to disneyland. I told you he was an awesome dad. Yeah, he's a prince. Let me see. Okay, the key to being a good dad? Look, sometimes things work out just the way you want. Race you to the end. That is not a good idea...for you. Sometimes they don't. You got to hang in there. Because when all is said and done 90% of being a dad-- just showing up.
他儿子坐在马路牙子上等着他去迪斯尼公园。 可那位超人爸爸倒好,沉迷麻将不愿前来。 我反倒成了坏人。 嗨,听我说。 我..嗯。 很抱歉我有个不好的消息得告诉你。 是什么? 你爸爸不能过来了。 怎么回事? 他要搭乘的飞机满了 但是有位老太太必须得回家 所以你爸爸把他的位置让给了她 你是骗我的吧? 当然不是 他压根就不想来 你说什么呢!他不能过来心里也很难受 他都想死你了 嗯哼 你看他派什么来了 哇哦 一辆豪华轿车哎! 嗯是啊 他希望我跟你妈妈能带你去迪斯尼 我就跟你说我爸爸特别棒的吧! 嗯 他就像白马王子一样 嗯..成为一个伟大父亲的关键..有时候你能够心想事成 咱们比赛谁先到那边 矮油 这对你可不是什么好主意 有时候却事与愿违 但是你必须要坚持 因为当所有的该说的该做的都说了做了 做一个好爸爸的诀窍百分之九十是永远陪在他们身边 by: 灌心饼干