

Green Park Camping School
camping school
open-air activities
canoe 独木舟
canoeing 划独木舟
in the open country 在户外
self-reliant 独立
W: abcde...
M: abcde...
W: My brother Mike has just done a course at the Green Park Camping School. M: Really! What made him decide to do that? W: Well, for one thing, some boys in his class decided to do it and they dared him to go with them! M: You mean he didn't really want to go? W: I think he wanted to go, but I think he was also a little frightened. Of course, now that he's done it, he's very pleased with himself and he's always talking about it. M: So he enjoyed it, didn't he? W: Not exactly. I think he's enjoying the feeling of having done it more than he enjoyed actually doing it! M: What sort of things did he do? W: Oh, all sorts of open-air activities: hiking, camping, canoeing. One thing he had to do was to capsize a canoe and then right it again without getting out. He said the water was very cold, but he hardly noticed it at the time. M: Why not? W: He was too busy righting the canoe! M: That doesn't sound very comfortable at this time of the year. W: That's what I said when he told me. On another occasion he had to spend a day and a night by himself in the open country. M: Was he frightened? W: He was at first, apparently, but then he got used to it. M: It seems to me that the course did him a lot of good. I expect it's made him more self-reliant.
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