It's become abundantly clear that America was not, in fact, ready for love.
NBC announced on Friday (April 19) that Friday mainstay "Grimm" will move to Tuesdays at 10 p.m., as the network is yanking DOA "Ready for Love" after its second week on air. "Grimm" will begin its Tuesday run on April 30, behind a previously scheduled two-hour episode of "The Voice."
NBC电视网周五宣布,为了帮该台刚播出两集的新剧《Ready for Love》拉拉收视率,该台重要剧集《格林》的播出档期将会被挪到每周二晚10点。新一季的《格林》将会在4月30号回归,在它首播之前将会有《美国之声》2小时特别集。
"Ready for Love," which lost 70 percent of its lead-in audience from "The Voice" on Tuesday, leaves the schedule immediately. The network has not announced a plan of when, or even if, the remaining episodes will air.
之前是《美国好声音》在帮《Ready for Love》带收视率,但是结果是这剧流失了《美国好声音》70%的观众。