

沪江英语 2018-12-12 18:37
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1858年,美国南北战争前两年。德国赏金猎人金·舒尔茨(克里斯托弗·瓦尔兹 Christoph Waltz饰)从贩奴商人手中买下黑奴姜戈(杰米·福克斯 Jamie Foxx饰),让其重获自由。舒尔茨实则是要把姜戈培养成无法无天的赏金猎人,为其缉拿各种通缉犯以换取报酬。姜戈的唯一条件是:从暴虐的糖果庄园主卡尔文·坎迪(莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 Leonardo DiCaprio饰)手中解救出自己的妻子布鲁姆希尔达(凯丽·华盛顿 Kerry Washington饰)。本片是昆汀向1966年由塞吉奥·考布西执导的经典意大利西部片《迪亚戈》的致敬之作。

《被解放的姜戈》荣获第85届奥斯卡金像奖-最佳原创剧本大奖,克里斯托弗·沃尔兹 Christoph Waltz则凭借此片荣获最佳男配角。本片同时荣获第85届奥斯卡金像奖最佳影片、最佳摄影和最佳音效剪辑提名。选段中,Dr.King和Django遇到了莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥饰演的Candie,他们出的价钱引起了Candie的好奇心……


Candie: What's your name, boy? 

Dr.King: His name is Django, Freeman.

Candie: Where'd you dig him up?

Dr.King: A fortuitous turn of events brought Django and myself together.

Candie: I've heard tell about you. I heard you been telling everybody them Mandingos ain't no damn good. Ain't nothin' nobody is sellin' is worth buyin'. I'm curious... what makes you such a Mandingo expert?

Django: I'm curious what makes you so curious.

Butch: What did you say, boy?

Candie: Calm down, Butch. No offense given none taken.

Dr.King: Monsieur Candie...I'd appreciate if you could direct your line of inquiry toward me.

Candie: One...you do not have anything to drink.

Dr.King: Can I get you a tasty refreshment?

Candie: Yes! I'll have a beer. Wunderbar. Roscoe, a beer for the man with the beard, and I will have a Polynesian Pearl Diver. Do not spare the rum. Doc... I am a seasoned slaver. You are, well, you are a neophyte. I'm simply tryin' to ascertain if this cowboy here is takin' advantage of you.

Dr.King: With all due respect, Monsieur Candie...I didn't seek you out for your advice. I sought you out to purchase a fighting nigger at above top-dollar market price. Now I was under the impression, when you granted me an audience, it would be to discuss business.

Candie: Well, we weren't talkin' business yet. We were discussin' my curiosity.

Dr.King: Thank you.

Candie: Roscoe, Coco, go outside and play. Sheba... you stay right there.

Sheba: I know you didn't mean me.

Dr.King: Prost!

Candie: German. Now, according to Moguy, if I do business with you, I'm doing business with both y'all. He does the eyeballin', you the billfold? Is that it?

Dr.King: Well, you don't make it sound too flattering, but more or less, yeah.

Candie: Hm. So...Bright Boy...Moguy tells me you looked over my African flesh and you was none too impressed, huh?

Django: Not for top dollar.

Candie: Well, then, we got nothin' more to talk about. You see, you wanna buy a beat-ass nigger from me, those are the beat-ass niggers I wanna sell so...

Django: He don't wanna buy the niggers you wanna sell. He wants the nigger you don't wanna sell.

Candie: Well, I don't sell the niggers I don't wanna sell.

Dr.King: Well, you won't sell your best. You won't even sell your second best. But your third best...? You don't want to sell him either. But if I made you an offer so ridiculous you'd be forced to consider it... who knows what could happen?

Candie: And what do you consider ridiculous?

Dr.King: For a truly talented specimen, the right nigger? How much would you say, Django?

Django: Twelve thousand dollars.

Candie: Well, gentlemen, you had my curiosity, but now you have my attention.