Charlie Brooker’s Black Mirror is headed back to Channel 4 for a second series, and soon.
Here’s the first still to be released, showing Hayley Atwell and... a blue glowing device of some kind.
A couple of weeks back, Atwell tweeted:
Very excited to be in Black Mirror written by Charlie Brooker on C4 in March. Smart writing…
— Hayley Atwell (@HayleyAtwell) January 3, 2013
But dates may have changed. Brooker himself has tweeted tonight that the second series will be starting in “weeks rather than months.”
The actual content of the episodes is still secret, though we can likely expect the same satirical sci-fi as the first series, I’m sure. The individual episode titles don’t give too many clues:
Black Mirror S2 ep titles: ‘Be Right Back’, ‘The Waldo Moment’, and ‘White Bear’. [/en]
沪江娱乐:《黑镜(Black Mirror)》是英国电视4台(Channel 4)于2011年12月播出的迷你电视剧,由英国制片人查理·布鲁克(Charlie Brooker)制作。全剧共三集,以三个建构于现代科技背景的独立故事,试图表达当代科技对人性的利用、重构与破坏。《黑镜》第二季将很快回归Channel 4,该剧日前发布了剧照,《美国队长》女星海莉·阿特维尔(Hayley Atwell)出现在其中。据悉,《黑镜》第二季共三集,每集60分钟,3集标题将分别为"Be Right Back", "The Waldo Moment"以及"White Bear",预计今年三月回归。