
《行尸走肉》获第四季续订 主创现分歧将离开

AMC has caused an uproar in Hollywood after announcing that "The Walking Dead" will be renewed for a fourth season, but that Glen Mazzara, the showrunner and executive producer, would be leaving the series.

"My time as showrunner on 'The Walking Dead' has been an amazing experience, but after I finish Season 3, it’s time to move on," Mazarra said in a statement. "I have told the stories I wanted to tell and connected with our fans on a level that I never imagined. It doesn’t get much better than that. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this journey."

But although Mazzara seemed thankful for his time with AMC, other Hollywood producers feel that he was betrayed. Take Kurt Sutter for example.

The "Sons of Anarchy" showrunner expressed his thoughts on "The Walking Dead" shakeup last night, saying AMC has "no appreciation or gratitude for the effort of it's creative personnel."

Mazzara was the second showrunner on "The Walking Dead." He replaced executive producer and creator Frank Darabont during the second season. Whoever replaces Mazzara will be the show's third showrunner in four seasons.

"The Walking Dead" returns to AMC with new episodes on Sunday, February 9 at 9 p.m. EST.

【娱乐快讯】热门僵尸题材美剧《行尸走肉》第三季播出以来,无论是收视率还是口碑都获得了骄人的成绩,可以说是时下最火爆的美剧之一。日前AMC电视网正式宣布,续订该剧的第四季。但同时也宣布,由于在剧情走向上出现分歧,制作人格伦·马扎拉(Glen Mazzara )将不再回归。

