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沪江英乐:支持一下另类摇滚~听起来很有洗脑的疯狂感觉。美国另类金属Soundgarden发布全新主打单曲《Been Away Too Long》,这队前辈也用歌名诉说出乐队对于离开多年的音乐圈的不舍。
【另类摇滚Soundgarden乐队回归单曲——《Been Away Too Long》】
You can’t go home, no I swear you never can
You can walk a million miles and get nowhere
I got no where to go and it seems I came back
Just filling in the lines for the holes, and the cracks
Hey, no one knows me
No one saves me
No one loves or hates me
I’ve been away for too long
This place has a sṗecial kind of falling apart
Like they put the whole thing together in the dark
No one knows where the edge of the knife is
And no one knows where intelligent life is
Hey, no one knows me
No one saves me
No one loves or hates me
Going straight
I only ever really wanted a break
I’ve been away for too long
No I never really wanted to stay
I’ve been away for too long
I’ve been away for too long
I’ve been away for too long
Keyholes, trough key holes
Where those
I am still hiding
Everyone inside
Tank girls and fly guns and silver boots on my way home
Going straight
I only ever really wanted a break
I’ve been away for too long
No I never really wanted to stay
Going straight
I only ever really wanted a break
I’ve been away for too long
No I never really wanted to stay
I’ve been away for too long