


08月20日:None of us are afraid of difficulties.我们当中没有一个人害怕困难。

afraid of:害怕
例如:Don't be afraid of losing face.(不要怕丢面子。)
          Mary was afraid of falling from the ladder.(玛丽害怕从梯上掉下来。)

08月21日:I gave him a leg-up.我帮他爬上去。

例如:The film industry is pushing for financial leg-up from the government.(电影界请求政府给予财政协助。)
          The law ought to give them a leg-up.(法律应当为它们提供帮助。)

08月22日:Try to picture in your mind’s eye the scene that day.请你回想下那天的情景。

1.mind’s eye:想象,心眼
例如:In my mind's eye, she was not a bad woman.(在我脑海里,她不是一个坏女人。)
          In her mind's eye , she is back In her childhood.(她想像自己又回到了童年。)

08月23日:Her speech was in the nature of an apology.她的话带有歉意。

1.be in the nature of具有 ... 的性质(好像)
例如:It is in the nature of lightningrods.(它具有避雷针的性质。)
          The flower was something in the nature of a daffodil.(这种花有点像黄水仙。)

08月24日:Can you just give me a ballpark figure?能不能给我一个大概的数字?

rk:adj. 大约的
例如:Please give a ballpark estimate of future unit sales.(请大略估计一下未来的单位业务额。)
          Could you give me a ballpark figure on this home?(你能给我这个房间的大概价格吗?)

08月25日I refuse to work overtime during the weekend.我拒绝在周末时加班。

例如:Work overtime on christmas is depressing.(在圣诞节加班,真令人沮丧。)
          He has to work overtime in order to earn enough money to buy a house.(他得加班挣钱买房子.)

08月26日:All things come to those who wait.懂得忍耐的人是最大的赢家。

v. 等,等候,等待
例如:We' ll wait till the rain stops.(我们将一直等到雨停。)
          For how many years have we waited for such a good opportunity!这样好的机会我们等了好多年了!)  
