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沪江英乐:Jon McLaughlin,土生土长在美国Indiana的Anderson,童年时期就开始接受古典音乐的学习,然而在高中时他却对古典音乐失去了兴趣,而一次意外的事故也让他的两只手腕受伤,不得不使他放弃以自己从小苦练的钢琴为主要奋斗方向。此后他意识到,他可以将钢琴与自己更喜欢的流行音乐合二为一。
这张名叫“Forever if ever”的专辑诞生于去年九月,在整个创作到录制的过程,Jon不仅充当词曲作者,还担当了制作人一角,整张专辑充分展现了其干净而不浮夸的特质。"Promising Promises"表达了对太多未兑承诺的厌倦,快速跳动的琴键营造的剑拔弩张一触即发的紧迫感,仿佛预示着曾经的山盟海誓即将弦断音绝。
I wake up cold and sweaty
is it morning already?
I hate the sun for setting on yesterday
when I wrote my feelings
on the walls and ceilings
like drugs I’m dealing and you just walked away
the trees all sway and swing
the wind and I are both singing...
I was giving you everything I had to give
wasn’t it enough?
all those promising promises were on your lips
but you wouldn’t give them up
so let me just say for the record
you can spare me the lecture
cause ever since I met you I’ve been lonely
your smile don’t hide you
I see the teeth that you lie through
do I need to remind you that I’m only...
hanging by a string
I close my eyes and spin...singing...
I was giving you everything I had to give
wasn’t it enough?
all those promising promises were on your lips
but you wouldn’t give them up
and I was giving you everything I had to give
wasn’t it enough?
all those promising promises were on your lips
truely you wouldn’t give them up
I was giving you everything I had to give
wasn’t it enough?
all those promising promises were on your lips
but you wouldn’t give them up