

Here comes the bride, Upper East Siders! We have a sneaky feeling that America's most beloved (and devious) couple will get their groove on when Gossip Girl returns for its sixth and final season on October 8, 2012. Check out this OMFG-inducing report from TV Line's Michael Ausiello:

"A primetime soap that, although popular, came this close to getting the axe at season’s end — and just when a pair of its well-liked lovebirds were heading for a reunion, too. Now I hear that, when the show returns this fall, it’ll pick up right where it left off and pleasantly surprise fans by immediately marrying off the star-crossed couple in question."

Let's see, Gossip Girl was on the bubble after Season 5 (shocking and disturbing, we know) and Chuck (Ed Westwick) and Blair (Leighton Meester) met up in Paris and almost got their sexy on during the finale. We're calling it: Chair are going to walk down the aisle! Let's just hope Queen B does something with her hair, because girlfriend looked like Alanis Morrisette circa the '90s at her last wedding.

Time to get vote your gossipy little hearts out, ladies n' gents. Do you think Blair and Chuck are Ausiello's mystery couple?

沪江娱乐快讯:上东区的帅哥美女们,新娘驾到!我们有一种预感,全美最有爱也最纠结的情侣将在《绯闻女孩》(Gossip Girl)第六季即最终季中步入婚姻的殿堂。快来看一看著名娱乐网站TV Line的独家爆料吧!


《绯闻女孩》似乎复合这则剧透的所有描述。《绯闻女孩》第五季收视不佳,多次传言将被取消。大结局中,恰克和布莱尔在巴黎再度相遇,旧情几近复燃。因此我们猜测他们俩会在第六季首集结婚!希望这次Queen B能做个好看点的发型,她在上一场婚礼中看起来就像90年代的艾拉妮丝·莫莉塞特(Alanis Morrisette 歌手 发型小卷)。

