
“绝望主妇”苏珊客串《设计人生》 将首次执导电视剧


Teri Hatcher's keeping it in the ABC family — or more specifically ABC Family — for her first post-Desperate Housewives gig. The actress will guest-star and make her directorial debut on Jane By Design, ABC Family announced Monday.
在《绝望主妇》完结后,“苏珊”泰瑞·海切尔(Teri Hatcher)将继续接演ABC频道的电视角色,具体的说是“ABC家庭频道”。ABC家庭频道已于周一宣布,海切尔将客串出演《设计人生》(Jane By Design),并将首次执导电视剧。

Hatcher will recur as the long-lost mother of Jane (Erica Dasher) in a four-episode arc, which kicks off June 19. She will also helm an upcoming episode of the series.

"I'm thrilled for the opportunity to direct. So many of the crew and cast of Desperate Housewives' have been encouraging me to do this for a long time, from Vanessa Williams, James Denton, to the talented camera crew department and producers," Hatcher said in a statement. "Jane By Design is charming, with very funny performances. I look forward to working with new and old friends over there and helping them tell stories both in front and behind the camera."
海切尔说:“我非常兴奋能有这次导演的机会。《绝望主妇》的演员和工作人员们早就鼓励我做这事了。从Vanessa Williams,James Denton,到才华横溢的摄制组人员和制片人都给予了我鼓励。《设计人生》剧情幽默,十分精彩。我期待着与新老朋友共事,与大家一起在台前和幕后诠释这个精彩故事。”

Adds ABC Family's Kate Juergens: "We are beyond excited to have Teri join the cast of Jane By Design, coming off of her incredible run on Desperate Housewives and making ABC Family the home of her directorial debut. Teri's talent will bring the perfect blend of depth, comedy and emotion to the greatly anticipated role of Jane's long-lost mother."
ABC家庭频道的Kate Juergens还说到,“泰瑞能加入《设计人生》实在是太让人兴奋了,我们期待着她在结束《绝望主妇》中精彩的表演后,在ABC家庭频道完成她的导演处女作。Jane的母亲一角是一直以来万众期待的角色。泰瑞的才华将为我们塑造一个集深度、幽默感、以及丰富情感为一身的角色。”

Jane By Design follows Jane, a high school student who gets hired by a top fashion house when she gets mistaken for an adult.